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I am a wife, mother, and health and fitness professional. This blog is dedicated to all things fitness...products, events, and training. Please follow along!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Loving Every Part: Learning to Love My Fro

Greetings Friends.....

Two posts in one week???  I guess I'm feeling ambitious!

This post is a continuation of the Love Every Part Project put on by one of the studios where I teach. Today's focus in on hair. 

Let's admit it Ladies....we are rough on our hair. We color, we blow dry, we iron, we curl, we tie it up, we brush it out....you name it...we've done it. 

I happen to have naturally curly hair and I have a lot of it.
So I am always on the look out to find products to tame the beast on my head. In a perfect world I would have soft curls that flow in the wind and gracefully bounce at my shoulders like those ladies in the hair commercials.....but I live in reality where heat and humidity run amuck causing chaos and I wind up looking like this guy....

So I  have tried a couple new products recently and thought I would share. 
First I tried HSI leave in Argan Oil. It is supposed to make hair silky smooth, tame frizz and flyaways, and leave hair shiny and soft.

Well...it did nothing for me. BUT...I don't use any heat to style my hair, I am a throw mousse in, scrunch the curls and go kinda gal, so I passed it along to my sister. My sister often blow dries her hair and uses a straightener. She loved it. She said it made her hair super soft and made it feel silky. 

Win for her and her hair...bonus points for me for sharing with my sister. Mom musta taught me well!!

I also got the opportunity to try Adovia Mineral Balsam Conditioner. 

As you know, I have become a fan of Adovia's product line, and this did not disappoint! This is by far the best smelling conditioner I have ever used! It is light weight but throughly moisturizes my hair. I absolutely love it! 

What about you?

Any tricks for getting your hair to "listen" to you?
Do you change your products depending on the season?

Monday, May 26, 2014

Finding Alternatives

In April, we did the 30 day Sugar Free Challenge where we eliminated sweets and sugars from our daily diet. If you know me and my sweet tooth, you know that this was truly a challenge for me!

After April was over, I admit to having a minor sugar binge....which resulted in tummy aches and a heavy/guilty heart. I thought to myself....wouldn't it be nice to be able to have your cake and eat it too??? (pun intended). 

So I went on the hunt. I wanted to see if I could find an all natural alternative to refined sugar that satisfied my sweet tooth but saved me from tummy ache and guilt. I am not a fan of Equal or Sweet n Low, I can't stand the taste. Equal is nothing more than aspartame which has shown to cause migraines and people with PKU Disease must avoid.  Sweet n Low has legitimately caused cancer in lab animals, and is now required to actually put that on the label. Splenda has shown to cause infertility in lab experiments and there in now current debate that it in actually unsafe for human consumption because it contains 3 atoms of chlorine.  

Good times. 

So what are other options??

Stevia is a plant based sweetener that you can find in liquid form, as above, or dry packet form.  It's plant based, no caloric content, and has shown not to cause a spike in blood sugars so it is being favored for those dealing with diabetes. I got the opportunity to try Stevia Gold, it's a liquid that I have tried with my coffee and smoothies. Not a fan in my coffee, It has a bitter after taste. But it went well in my smoothies. However, there is back and forth debate on the safety of the product and it has repeatedly been banned in the United States. Currently that ban has been lifted. 

Another option...Monk Fruit

This is the sweetener used in my favorite form of exercise hydration, Cocogo, so I did some research and I found it in the organic section at my local grocery store in dry packet form.

There have be no incidents of negative side effects reported and the FDA has given multiple "recognized as safe" notices to the product. Unlike any of the other products noted, no restrictions on consuming the fruit or it's extracts have been made. 

Sounds like a winner to me. 

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.
If you recall my last post, I mention that I am on a mission to treat my skin with kindness and loving care. I have been on a mission to try gentle, natural, and effective products and end the abuse to my face.  I am trying to learn to "Love Every Part".

I have always had acne prone skin and have tried a variety of treatment, products, and spent all small fortune to never be truly satisfied....in fact...down right disappointed. I get frustrated, give up, beat myself up, and then move on to the next trendy item only to have the cycle repeat. 

I am happy to report that I have found some products that I am thrilled about! 

InstaNatural graciously sent me a variety of products to try and I must admit that I am impressed.

100% Pure Argan Oil

This oil has a huge variety of uses! It can be used on hair to smooth and tame frizzies, on fingers and cuticles, and on skin. I first tried it in my hair, I have very curly hair and often fight white girl afro, but it didn't seem to do much. So I switched to using it on my face as a night time moisturizer. I loved it! My skin feels soft and smooth, best part....it doesn't clog pores. I especially like using it after the Adovia Dead Sea Mud Mask, I wake up with healthy, soft skin...love-it!

100% Pure Rosehip Seed Oil

This oil is more specifically for skin. It is designed to help heal and repair skin. for UV damage or scarring. Personally, it is too heavy to use on my face, but it is fantastic for the rest of the body! Honestly, it makes my skin feel like silk. It is pretty greasy, so you have to be careful what you sit on right after you use it, but it is soooooooo worth it! My legs have never felt better post shave!

100% Pure Moroccan Rose Water

This is a marketed as a cleanser, toner, and for hydration. I use it as toner. It is light weight, feels airy on the skin, and smells absolutely divine! It gets an A+

Now, don't get me wrong. I haven't woken up with magically flawless skin, but I have seen an improvement in overall clarity, tone, and texture, My clean seems clearer and feels better. What I really like about these products is that they are organic, not tested on animals, and have proven to be effective! 

If you would like to learn more about InstaNatural and their products....click HERE

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.