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I am a wife, mother, and health and fitness professional. This blog is dedicated to all things fitness...products, events, and training. Please follow along!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

My Day with the Dietician

Greetings Friends! I hope this little bit o'blog finds you well!

As many of you may already know, I am doing my first full ironman this fall. I am super excited and nervous all at the same time. I officially begin training next week! 

Nutrition is going to play a HUGE role in successfully competing this event and I want to go into this training season lean and strong.  So, I made an appointment at my favorite local grocery store to speak to the Dietitian.

Today I met with Megan. 

Megan is a Registered Dietician and a Licensed Medical Nutritional Therapist. She is also a multiple marathoner and a cool chick whom I get to call a friend!!

I told Megan I wanted to keep about an 80% vegetarian diet while getting the adequate protein and carbs needed to meet the demand of the insane training regime I am about to take on.

Megan had some GREAT info! She provided me with a "Nutrition Therapy for Endurance Athletes" handout that covered not only meal planning but also sample meal plans and suggestions for fueling during exercising.  We chatted about complementary protein combinations and "super foods" that provide complete amino acid chains! 

She then took me around the grocery store and showed me exactly which products would provide me the most bang for my buck. It was awesome. 

Megan recommended I get a Personal Metabolic Screening to make sure I know what type of calorie input I need.  Easiest way to make sure I am getting what is need is to know exactly how much I need!

So......Stay tuned for more adventures in eating!!

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