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I am a wife, mother, and health and fitness professional. This blog is dedicated to all things fitness...products, events, and training. Please follow along!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

LEG DAY & a Giveaway WInner!!

Since I have not had to spend multiple hours swimming, biking, or running…I have been able to get back into the weight room. 
It has been really nice to tap into another realm of working out, it has been one that I have missed!
I thought I would share some of the moves I am loving right now. 

First up…..LEG DAY!!

That special day that makes us hate toilet seats and stairs. The day that makes us realize just how often we stand and sit throughout the day. That day that makes us remember that our ass is actually a muscle!

First Move….Front Squats!

I like this move because it helps me get low in the squat but still keep good form.

In this move, you place the bar on your shoulders/collar bone, keep those fingers right underneath the bar with your elbows high. 
Keeping your weight in your heels, drop those buns low and power your way back up through those legs. I tell my clients to try to keep their elbows in front of their knees to help keep their weight set in those heels.

Next…Dead Lift.

This is like the mother of all moves. It's a power move and 9 times out of 10, when you're done, you can drop the weights on the floor with authority then strut around the gym like-a-boss.

Kidding, I don't slam weights and/or strut. BUT if I did….I would totally do it like-a-boss!

In this move, you keep the bar right up against your shins, drop your buns, keep a strong flat back, then use those legs to power up to a standing position. Keep the weight close to the body, and return the weights to the floor, right up against your shins.
Strong, Powerful, and very boss-like!

Lastly, TRX Piston Squats.

I love using the TRX! It's versatile, compact, and you can really work hard on it!
For a piston squat, kick one leg out in front of you, hold it out nice and straight, then drop into a single leg squat, getting as low as you can go!  Power back up using one leg, maintaing your balance, and keeping that one leg out straight.

You will feel this one in those buns!!

LEG DAY is always a day that I feel the NEXT day! Your legs carry you everywhere and it's important to keep them strong. Strong legs are sexy legs and look better in jeans!
Whatever you do…do not skip leg day, especially you fellas out there! Boys….you look silly with huge strong upper bodies and tiny legs. It's not a flattering look, chicks don't dig it, and yes….we notice and make fun of you. 




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Congrats Eric! Cari from EcoTrek will be sending you a delicious box of her whole food bars for you to enjoy!!

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