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I am a wife, mother, and health and fitness professional. This blog is dedicated to all things fitness...products, events, and training. Please follow along!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Toning At Home

I work at a gym, so finding time to get a workout in is not a problem. If I don't get a workout in, it is my own fault.  My husband, on the other hand, finds it difficult to get to the gym. I want him to be able to take care of himself, or at least remove any excuses he has to not get a workout in! 

So this Christmas, I am building an In-Home Gym!

My first purchase.....a treadmill!

We are getting the Proform 400. Not top of the line, not the bottom either. It has just enough features to keep us entertained while being long enough for my husbands stride. It arrives next week. I am super excited!

We need to do more that just cardio though! As an endurance athlete....that is a hard statement for me to admit.

When I talk about toning at home, I am not referring to those magic creams that make cellulite "disappear"

 While these creams are fantastic, they do not make cellulite disappear. They do make your skin feel tight and smooth, but the cellulite is still under there. The ingredients in these lotions typically tighten blood vessels making your skin appear smoother and tighter until the ingredients are absorbed. I like the Spalon Tech lotion but the Contour 180 lotion gave me razor burn. 

ANYWAYS....back to toning at home. 

For us, a full weight rack in our basement is not an option.

These Cynergy Fitness resistance bands are awesome. They come with a variety of "weights" as well as handles, including a door anchor. They are small and compact but you can do a huge variety of moves with them. They are suitable for both me and the Hubby...now I just gotta show him how to use them!

I also got to try the Your Weigh ankle weight set. When I was originally sent these to review, they told me they were ankle weights. Since then the company has changed their mind since they are so small that most people can't fit them on their ankles, so they changed their name to "wrist weights".

While not impressed with the company, they still kind of fit my ankles. We will see how much they get used. Disappointing, but I am staying optimistic. 

Another easy way to add to a home gym is through DVDs. I have a few that I like, including Shape Magazine's Bikini Body Bootcamp. When I got sent Salsa Crazy's Pilates for Dancers, I was really excited.

After popping in the DVD....I was super disappointed. To be honest, this might be the worst DVD I have seen. It is not a workout, it is marketed as one, but it truly is not a workout. It is a step by step guide through a few standard Pilates moves.  As a Pilates Instructor, with multiple Pilates certifications, I can honestly say I would not recommend this DVD to anyone. 

But don't fret, there are a lot of decent DVDs in the market.  I am not a fan of Insanity but P90X is a decent set of workouts if you have the right equipment.....

And if you can tolerate listening to Tony Horton speak....

I personally put the TV on mute.

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