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I am a wife, mother, and health and fitness professional. This blog is dedicated to all things fitness...products, events, and training. Please follow along!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

On The Road or In The Gym.....SAFETY FIRST!!

Too often we hear about cyclist getting hit by cars while out on the road. It's tragic. As a cyclist who enjoys hitting the highway for hill training, I am always looking for ways to make me more visible to cars. So when Phantom Fit sent me  reflective ankle bands to review...I was stoked!
They are nice and stretchy, adjustable for any size ankle, and don't itch. I barely notice I have them on, but they are bright and reflective so drivers notice me!

Another tool I like to keep in my bike bag....

I use my phone to map my pace and mileage. I am an endurance athlete so I often run my phone battery very low, if not completely dead, on my long days. I like to keep this mini charger in my bag in case of emergencies. It is also nice to have when traveling!!

If you recall my last post, you will remember I signed up for a weight lifting challenge at one of the gyms I work at. I normally keep my weights light with high reps and only lift to keep strong to avoid injury. I am not a heavy lifter. This challenge has definitely gotten me out of my comfort zone.

As my weights increase, I have noticed that my wrists, hands, and forearms tend to get very sore from holding those heavy weights. So, I have started carrying Phantom Fit wrist wraps and straps.

They help hold my wrists steady as well as aid me in holding the heavy bar for deadlifts. They are nice! I have big man hands so these fit me well! I know I will be using them much more over the next 4 weeks as I prepare for my 600lb Club Challenge.

What about you??

What do you like to use to keep yourself safe??

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