Welcome to my Blog

I am a wife, mother, and health and fitness professional. This blog is dedicated to all things fitness...products, events, and training. Please follow along!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Training For My Brain.

Most of the time I write about races, training, or health and beauty products that I have experimented with. I am going to change it up a little today....honestly....I'm avoiding doing my homework, don't tell!!

I have decided to go back to school, I started my course work to become a Holistic Healthcare Practitioner.  I plan on going all the way through and completing my PhD. My path to get there allows me to become a certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant, a Master Herbalist, and then a board certified Holistic Healthcare Practitioner. I will actually be finished with my Nutritional Consultant Certification in November when I head back out to DC to finish my clinical work! I'm very excited!

Not only am I excited about starting a new adventure, I am loving every second of being back in school. I will say that my love is totally subject related though. Reading, homework, quizzes...meh. But learning about ways to naturally heal and help people.....amazing! I just absolutely love it!
I've already used info to help rehab myself post race!

My son even likes some of my texts book! The Atlas of the Human Body might be one of the most beautiful books I have ever seen. It is so well illustrated and well organized...even my 7 year old appreciates it!

Off Balance, The American Way of Health is written by a PharmD who completely explains why drugs don't work and how our society has created a whole new business in "Sick Care" by creating loyal customers to RX companies and MDs. She has a very interesting view point and it is a well written, easy read. I would definitely recommend this book to someone interested in taking control of his/her own health. It is not bogged down in technical terms, shows both sides of the story, and does a nice job organizing the material!

I look forward to starting this new venture in my career! I also look forward to a mini DC vacation to visit some friends as well! I love it when I get to kill two birds with one stone!!

Alright...back to hitting the books. 
Wish me luck folks! 

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