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I am a wife, mother, and health and fitness professional. This blog is dedicated to all things fitness...products, events, and training. Please follow along!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Vitamin B3 Like Never B4!

Hehehe...like my little word play in the title. Seriously, sometimes I crack myself up! 

Vitamin B3 is needed for proper circulation and healthy skin. It aids in the functioning of the nervous system as well as metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. It is involved in the normal secretion of bile and stomach fluids, aids in the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, lowers cholesterol, and in helpful in managing many mental illnesses. 

 Research shows that our skin absorbs 60% of the products we use topically. Many of us apply creams or lotions to fight sun damages, slow the aging process, and fight wrinkles. Certain vitamins like Vitamin C, E and the mineral Selenium are easily absorbed through the skin. But what about Vitamin B3, or Niacin, how is that absorbed?

One of my favorite skin care companies, Instanaturals, sent my their Niacinamide Serum to review. Niacinamide is a form of Vitamin B3 which is needed for proper circulation and healthy skin.  This product is marketed to smooth skin, fight hyper pigmentation,  and smooth wrinkles.

It is a very heavy cream. For me, it is one I would consider using in the winter time, it's too heavy for our humid summers here in Nebraska. Vitamin B3, Niacinamide, is not noted for specifically being easily absorbed through the skin, but I figured it can't hurt. 

What we put ON our bodies is just as important was what we put IN our bodies. Using natural, organic products benefits our bodies through and through.  Be a mindful consumer, read labels, and do your research .

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