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I am a wife, mother, and health and fitness professional. This blog is dedicated to all things fitness...products, events, and training. Please follow along!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Combining Work and Play!

This past weekend, I packed up and headed east to Olney Maryland and Washington DC. As always, I packed running gear, fun night out gear, and my girlie things.  But this trip was a little different.

I used my cute little makeup bag for my makeup and hair stuff and then used this "Display Sheet" make up bag for my shower stuff. I like to keep them separate since my shower stuff gets all wet.  Side note...the little display bag works great for all that shower stuff!

As I mentioned.....this trip was a little different. I headed east to complete my clinical work for my ANHA Holistic Nutrition Certification and to take NADP Board exams. Which means...I had to be on my "A" game!

I packed Yalmeh Glory Eye Bright to help my look lively after a day of travel.

 During a portion of my clinicals, my eyes were examined by other students to determine any aliments going on within my body. The eyes are said to be the window to the soul for a reason! 
 All in all...based on my eyes I am a healthy person.  According to my eyes, I was having some issues with my large intestine. I had to openly admit that the Maryland crabs cakes, while delicious, did not sit well in my tummy! And yes....you can determine that by looking at the eyes!

But don't worry friends, my trip was not all work! I got the chance to play too!

After finishing my exams in Maryland, I headed to DC to see some sights and enjoy some time with friends!

I ran the loop around the mall, starting near the Capitol Building and turning around that the Lincoln Memorial.

It was a busy day on the mall....

But the sights were incredible!

I had a great weekend! I got in multiple workouts and came home with sore legs! I dined with friends, saw the sights in DC, and successfully passed my clinicals and BOTH of my exams!

So what does it all mean??

I am officially a Holistic Nutritional Consultant certified through the American Naturpoathic and Holistic Association and am a Board Certified Nutrition Consultant through the National Association of Drugless Practitioners. 

What does that mean for the business??


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